Monday, June 15, 2009

DAM - Discover the Hidden Knowledge in your Assets

VMS CIO Featured Speaker at Digital Asset Management Conference

Gerry Louw, CIO for VMS, the world leader in integrated media intelligence solutions delivered a closing address at the recent Digital Asset Management (DAM) Conference in New York City. The conference focused on the latest thinking and development in strategy, procurement implementation best practices and improving DAM operations.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Marketers Guide to Justifying Investment in Digital Asset Management

Aberdeen Research on "The Marketers Guide to Justifying Investment in Digital Asset Management".

The Aberdeen Group assesses the business justifications for investing in Digital Asset Management technology.
The digital era has led to an exponential growth in marketing content. As companies expand outbound marketing across multiple channels, content management becomes essential to maximizing marketing efficiency and effectiveness. Solution providers offer an eclectic mix of content management solutions that are designed to help marketers capture, store, and retrieve marketing content – both structured and unstructured.

Aberdeen recently surveyed over 130 companies to understand how organizations justify investments in digital asset management for marketing. This study highlights Best-in-Class practices for managing marketing assets and further validates 2008 Aberdeen research on marketing asset management, which revealed that digital asset management technology is vital to Best-in-Class performance in return on marketing investment, brand consistency, and time-to-market.
If your organization is interested in driving efficiencies and cost savings, then they should be investing in digital asset management systems or DAM's, to store and retrieve their marketing collateral for reuse. A well organized DAM, will allow content that is created to be reused multiple times across a myriad of industries, in various markets with simple tweaks, rather that having new unique content created for each time collateral is required

Too often marketing material is created and then only used once, even though a significant portion of that content, be it images or copy, could be reused again to promote the same product, or slightly customized to meet the needs of a specific market. A DAM allows organizations to save and tag (with metadata) all their assets so they can be found again and reused. This drives cost savings by reducing the total fees paid to agencies to develop the same content over and over again.